
Thefast,easywaytoorganizewindowsonyourMac.Snapwindowsbyusinggestures,keyboardshortcuts,draggingtocorners,ormenubar.,TogetherwithFeralInteractive,we'reexcitedtoannouncethearrivalofGRID™LegendsonmacOS,cominglaterthisyear.,2023年12月15日—GRIDLegendsisofficiallysupportedonallMacmodelswithanAppleSiliconchip....RequiresmacOS13.3orlaterandaMacwithAppleM1chip ...,2022年12月16日—GRID™Legendswillnowrele...

Grid - Window Manager for macOS

The fast, easy way to organize windows on your Mac. Snap windows by using gestures, keyboard shortcuts, dragging to corners, or menu bar.

GRID™ Legends is coming to macOS this year!

Together with Feral Interactive, we're excited to announce the arrival of GRID™ Legends on macOS, coming later this year.

GRID™ Legends on the Mac App Store

2023年12月15日 — GRID Legends is officially supported on all Mac models with an Apple Silicon chip. ... Requires macOS 13.3 or later and a Mac with Apple M1 chip ...

GRID™ Legends

2022年12月16日 — GRID™ Legends will now release for macOS in 2023. It will be available exclusively from the Mac App Store and include all DLC in one ...

how do i make files snap on a grid?

2023年8月3日 — Right click on the background -> Show view options -> Sort by Snap to grid. At the bottom of the View Options, ...

mjolnirappAppGrid: macOS window manager with Vim

macOS window manager with Vim–like hotkeys. Download the app (.zip). Move and resize windows along an invisible grid of your screen.

[Mac] Mac專用『Grid』讓你一秒把視窗分割排列常開多視窗的 ...

2018年1月18日 — 今天要介紹的App是Mac專用的視窗整理工具『Grid』,其實在Windows也有類似的視窗整理功能可以使用,而Grid則是把這個功能補上外,還多了九宮格模式可 ...

在App Store 上的「Grid Connect」

2023年8月14日 — 需要macOS 11.0(或以上版本)以及配備Apple M1(或以上版本)晶片的Mac。 Apple Watch: 需要watchOS 3.0 或以上版本。 Apple Vision ...